Is it possible that Jonathan Danty, whose partner is keeping their fingers crossed for a favourable turn of events, will be eliminated before to the match between France and Australia? It is guaranteed by Fabien Galthié that the Rochelais will never lose their position at the centre of the tricolour attack at any point in time. “Jonathan will not be taken aback by anything that occurs. Arrangements have been made with the maternity hospital in La Rochelle to ensure that everything goes smoothly. assured the coach with a chuckle, but there was no way to check if he was telling the truth or not other than to take his word for it. After the completion of the match, he exits the stadium, gets in his vehicle, and drives to the hospital so that he can be present for the birth of his child.
What would happen if the baby came earlier than everyone anticipated? She stated that there was no need to ask the question because the predictive was already present. He gave me his word that it was written in a mocking tone of voice. In all seriousness, Jo has the ability to choose what course of action to take. And all of us are looking forward to Jo’s son joining the family, just like in the movie that La Guille directed. Before making a personal reflection on his own experience. “Exactly the same thing happened to me in 2005, while I was in Marseille, France, and I was travelling to Australia from France. After the game, I got a flight to get to the hospital in time to witness the birth of my child the next day.