With more explosive climbs and deeper drops. Thus comes the second season of the controversial and successful American series “Euphoria” (winner of...
Today the new version of "REBELDE" was officially presented, the successful Mexican series launched in 2004, which managed to be a...
No red carpet, Hollywood stars, public or accredited press. This is how the Golden Globes will be held this Sunday, which...
The concert tour of Colombian Carlos Vives "After all you live" in several cities in the United States and Canada was suspended and...
The Basque singer Ana Bejerano, soloist of the Spanish group Mocedades after replacing the mythical Amaya Uranga, has died at...
The Argentine Ariel Rot and the Spaniard Kiko Veneno will tour the Spanish roads in 2022 with the tour "A country...
New York said goodbye to the year 2021 with a celebration in Times Square smaller than usual due to the...
Hollywood and the entertainment world in the United States came together on the last day of 2021 to say goodbye...
The singer of the Puerto Rican urban genre Daddy Yankee fed rumors about his early retirement from the stage on...
A Christmas story with the usual sweetened tone of these stories. That's "Harry Potter: Return to Hogwarts", the HBO Max special that...
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